You're On The Clock: 3 Tips to Get Hired Right After Your Keynote
You could be losing money with each minute that goes by...⏲
The Closing of Your Keynote is Just the Beginning
The NFL Draft is the week and I’m just getting back to Austin after a West Coast speaking trip.
While in Napa, I delivered a keynote at the WTA - Advocates for Rural Broadband Spring Educational Forum.
After my talk, a guy walks up and says, “I’m pulling my team together for a fall retreat in October. I want to bring you in.”
We exchanged business cards (yes, the old school variety).1
After mingling with a few of the attendees, I went to my room and opened my laptop.
I still had work to do…
Your follow-up execution must be flawless if you want to convert keynotes into more keynotes.
Here are three strategies to get you on track.
You’re On the Clock - Strategies to Close the Deal After Your Talk
1. Apply Pressure (To Yourself)
You have 24 hours.
That’s it.
Give yourself 24 hours to reach out to prospective partners and stick to it.
2. Make a Plan
Not A Plan: “I’ll get around to it.”
A Plan: “I’ll designate one hour to send follow-up emails after my keynote.”
In my life, nothing happens unless I schedule it on my calendar, so that’s exactly what I do for follow-ups:
3. Be Short, Sweet and Memorable
Here’s sample language:
Dear Keith,
I enjoyed talking with you after my Deep End keynote. I know you’ll be busy for the next two days of the conference and I’d love to talk next week when you return to Scottsdale.
Are there ideal dates/times that work for a 20-minute call?
Short - 49 words. 3 sentences. Shun your inner Hemingway.
Sweet - The “Scottsdale” reference shows you were paying attention.
Memorable - “Deep End keynote”. ⬅️ This is another reason why your titles should be “sticky”.
The Mic Drop 🎤
No one is better primed to hire you more than someone who just heard your speech and loved it.
Its’ your responsibility to ride the wave and capitalize on the momentum.
Make the follow-up process a staple of your post-talk strategy.
📬 We’re Answering Your Questions Next Week!
Newsletter 15 will feature our answers to questions posed by the MYM Familia.
All you have to do is:
Think of a question. 🤔
Email your question to us by clicking here. ⬅️
And we’ll feature your questions + our responses next week! [Note: We will not include names with our responses.] 🥳
Ready to invest in your speaking business? Here are ways we can help:
Our “Get Paid to Speak” course shows you, step-by-step, how to build a speaking business. These seven modules will put you in position to monetize your message.
Looking for 1-on-1 coaching? Schedule a discovery call with our co-founder, Will Baggett.
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Take the Stage.
Get Paid.
Buy Your Freedom.
Even in the digital age, it’s important to have both physical business cards and a digital one.