The 3 R’s of
I’ve never liked the term “motivational speaker”. It reeks of Ted Lasso, t-ball games and high school locker rooms. 😂
Motivation is great, but let’s get one thing straight: Companies pay speakers to address problems.
Don’t get me wrong.
Some motivation sprinkled into your keynote is a good thing. We are in the entertainment business and your audience appreciates an experience that forces them to think without thinking.
But make no mistake about it: Your value will rise (and fall) based on your ability to address corporate pain points.
Craft a message that speaks to one of these 3 R’s and you’ll build a long-lasting speaking career.
1. Revenue
Revenue drives decision-making, and that’s true from Main Street to Wall Street.
There are two ways to play the revenue game:
Option 1: Provide a solution that generates more revenue
Option 2: Offer a solution that lowers costs
And actually there’s a third way:
Option 3: Combine Options 1 & 2 💥
2. Recruitment
Deloitte estimates that labor accounts for 50-60% of a company’s spending.
Let that sink in…
That’s 50 cents on the dollar.
In a tight labor market, companies need every possible edge to identify talent.
3. Retention
Some quick stats for you:
It takes 36 to 42 days to fill the average position in the United States
15% of human resources expenses go towards recruitment efforts
It costs up to 40% of an employee's base salary to hire a new employee
The reinvestment required to hire vacated positions is a major cost for companies.
The Mic Drop 🎤
Solutions get you paid.
Let’s look at a couple of examples of speech titles that address the 3 R’s:
“5 Overlooked Strategies to Identify Marketing Talent”
“The Three Most Cost-Effective Ways to Generate 2X More Leads”
Here’s the play: Leverage your work experience to craft a solution and then package it as a keynote.
Your work experience is all of the credibility you will need. 👊🏾
We’d ❤ to hear from you, so if you have a speaking question, email it to us here.
Ready to invest in your speaking business? Here are ways we can help:
Our “Get Paid to Speak” course shows you, step-by-step, how to build a speaking business. These seven modules will put you in position to monetize your message.
Looking for 1-on-1 coaching? Schedule a discovery call with our co-founder, Will Baggett.
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