As a keynote speaker, you are the main attraction.
Sure, some people are just there for the chicken dinner and raffle prizes. 😂
But most people view the keynote as the summit of the event.
So, what should you do right before your talk?
I have two words of advice…
Get lost.
That’s right: GET LOST.
As the time approaches for you to take the stage, people will bombard you with questions (“Do you need anything?”) and well wishes (“Good luck!” 😀).
Give your event planner a heads-up (“Around 30 minutes, I’ll grab some alone time. Don’t worry, I’ll be close by.”)
The Mic Drop 🎤
And while you’re alone…
Close your eyes…
Review your key points…
Visualize the delight of the crowd…
And then, take the stage with confidence.
You’ve got this. 👊🏾
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At PLATFORM™, you’ll learn how to:
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Define your Zone of Expertise (ZOE)
Crush the last 5️⃣ minutes of your talk
We’ll see you in Dallas. 😉🤠
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Love this reminder to give myself permission to get some space alone time before the talk. I have been doing this by default so good to get the validation that you do this as well. I really like your point about "Visualize the delight of the crowd" that is something.
A big things that helps keep me centered during that alone time is prayer and validation. Being able to pray and remember who I am, who has called me here and that my value does not come from the audience, rather I have value that I am bringing to the group regardless of how they receive the message.
Thanks Daron!